Tag Archives: christian

Just give me jesus…?

As my friend and I discussed our worth today, I began to ponder something powerful. We were talking about future spouses and questions arose such as: 

What if they never show up?

What if I never find them?

What if I am made to be alone, like Paul?

Not that I think God has called my friend to a lifetime of singleness, but I asked him if God would be enough for him if that were the case. His response was that if he were to not have a future spouse, he would do it if that were God’s Will, but it’d be a very serious question of obedience… the test of all tests. 

After this conversation, I really got to thinking… Does my ‘God, You are enough for me,’ have a ‘but’ after it? If I omitted all the Sunday School church answers, removed any sugar coating, and answered that honestly, would it be enough? 

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Imagine you’re about to be blessed with something really big. Envision that God actually told you He was going to grace you with it, and also describes it to you so you know what to expect and He promises to give it to you. Would you go check it out first? Would you see if it was ‘good enough’ for your own liking? Would you see if it was everything you had imagined it would be? Would you make sure God was accurate in His description? 

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I’m Just Grateful

Looking back on the memories bygone can be a piercing thing, but is necessary. In the reminiscing, you can see everything God has done and all the ways He has moved. Speaking of moving, I did that recently. With the help of my remarkable family and friends, I hauled all of my belongings into my first apartment a month ago.

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A letter to the friends who never left me

To the friends who never left me

If I have sent this to you or tagged you in this, I have something to say to you.

I want you to know you are one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me. Coming from a person who has only watched people give up and abandon, I am thankful that I never had to see what it would look like as you walked out of my life. You have been constant. You have been persistent. You have been loyal. You constantly show me that people are capable of loving unconditionally. People like you are hard to find these days, even in people who call themselves Christians.

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There is a season for everything

Over the past year, I have been on a treacherous journey. For a long time, everything was absolutely wonderful. I was in the word everyday and it was super easy worshiping God. I never understood what the deepening meaning of faith was until I found myself walking alone on a road with God that I never wanted to travel. I think we all walk on this road at least once. This road I am talking about is the road when everything around you is on fire and crashing down. When you think that it cannot get any worse, bang… you were beyond wrong, and then it gets worse.

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Everyone wants to pray but no one wants to be the answer

Everyone wants to pray but no one wants to be the answer

“I’m praying for you.”

I would be quick to say that those four words are one of the most used sentences out of a Christian’s mouth. OF COURSE, that’s not a bad thing. We are supposed to pray for our brothers and sisters, and even people we don’t know. How many of us actually do it when we say it?

My pastor always asks questions like, “When’s the last time you wept for a brother and the situation they are going through? When’s the last time you wept for someone other than your family?”

Those questions really hit me every time he asks them because many a time, we can’t even remember the last time, which is not good at all.

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Struggling with Self-Confidence?


This is one of the harder topics to talk about because I think this is something everyone struggles with in some shape or form, whether they want to admit it or not. You see, no matter how good or amazing you think you are, there will always be someone who does it better.

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Someone needs your smile

Hey friend with the beautiful smile! Yes you.

This week, I have a life changing task for you. Not only will it change your life, but other peoples too.

Smile at everyone you come in contact with.

Sometimes all someone needs to see is your smile. Sometimes the difference between a good and bad day, is just a grin from a stranger. The world is cold and full of darkness. There are people you will never speak to and people who will never see you living out the Gospel. Sometimes, the only thing they see from you is a passing place.

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Open when you are feeling sick


Being sick really sucks. It drains you and takes out the little energy you actually had. When your boyfriend is sick, let him have an open when you are feeling sick letter to open up to at least lighten his mood. If the amazing person in your life is always taking care of you, shouldn’t you do the same?

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Open when you are feeling stressed


Everyone gets stressed. I do, and I’m sure you do as well. With that being said, your lovely significant other is also going to get super stressed at some point. Why not have a letter waiting for them to open. It can calm nerves, knowing they have a loving, supportive partner!

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