Tag Archives: like jesus

Struggling with Self-Confidence?


This is one of the harder topics to talk about because I think this is something everyone struggles with in some shape or form, whether they want to admit it or not. You see, no matter how good or amazing you think you are, there will always be someone who does it better.

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Someone needs your smile

Hey friend with the beautiful smile! Yes you.

This week, I have a life changing task for you. Not only will it change your life, but other peoples too.

Smile at everyone you come in contact with.

Sometimes all someone needs to see is your smile. Sometimes the difference between a good and bad day, is just a grin from a stranger. The world is cold and full of darkness. There are people you will never speak to and people who will never see you living out the Gospel. Sometimes, the only thing they see from you is a passing place.

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