Open When things are falling apart


OPEN WHEN THINGS ARE FALLING APART (or you want to break up or you are not so sure about us; just anything along those lines)

I think it’s rare to be in a relationship for a long time without thinking at some point that things don’t feel right. Sometimes there is doubt or fear, or maybe arguments. Sometimes our person needs a reminder to keep fighting, even when things are falling apart.

Example Letter

Hey Handsome,

I was hoping you would never have to open this letter. 🙁 So you’re not so sure about us and/or you are thinking about breaking up with me… You may or may not have already told me this. I am so sorry that you feel this way. I know you want me to think you are super tough and that you have never doubted us but if you are doubting, we need to talk about it.

The suckiest thing about this generation and why people end up leaving, is because back in the day, when something was broken, they would fix it. Nowadays, something breaks and we throw it away and get a new one.

Anything worth fighting for is hard. I don’t know why you’re feeling this… maybe I am not being my best self. There’s so many reasons you could be having doubts, but instead of listing them, talk to me. If I don’t listen, keep telling me. Keep fighting for us.

Wow, we must really be going through something crazy if you are reading this… Look baby, I know I am difficult and I disappoint you daily, but there is no one else in this world I could be with. You may not be sure of us at the moment but I am, as I write this.

I am 100% sure about us. I am so sorry for the way I act and the way I handle situations. Please, let me know you are feeling this way, even if you don’t want to admit it. Lets talk about this. Before anything else, pray. Also, I want to pray with you. Let me come see you or you come see me. I miss you and you seem like you could really go for a hug right now. Don’t give up on us… or do, if that’s what you have to do baby. I love you. Remember, things may be falling apart right now, but it will get better. In this envelope, there is a puzzle. You are welcome to do it whenever. It just shows that even when things are falling apart, we can still be put back together.

P.S. Let me down easy, say something funny…

Also Include:

    • A popsicle stick puzzle. (Buy popsicle sticks and get your favorite picture of you two. The, glue it to the popsicle sticks and cut them. Once you are done, you should be able to put it together to make the picture again.) Also tie a ribbon and have a note on the ribbon that says *Put the pieces back together*. It really goes along with the theme ‘open when things are falling apart’.
    • And as a joke, maybe add a list of funny ways to break up with you, to give him a laugh even though things are tough right now.



You can also add some memes

(Printed and cut out) about break ups or tough relationships- just to give him a laugh

PuTl4Af8n realizing-you-terrible-for-me-breakup-ecards-someecards-300x167 break-up-memes-03-550x550


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