Reaching Out in Faith: Seeking God Despite Imperfections

Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood

Two Sundays ago, the pastor at my church was speaking on believers hiding from or seeking God. Before singing “More” by Red Rocks Worship for the invitation song, I thought about the woman with the issue of blood from Mark 5. The lyrics express a desire for ‘More’ of God and His healing touch, mirroring the woman’s faith in reaching for Jesus’ robe. Like her, we long for God to touch and heal our weaknesses.

It’s so easy to sing about touching the robe of Jesus, but would you actually do it? In the cultural context of that time, the woman’s condition would have rendered her ceremonially unclean under Jewish Law (Leviticus 15:25-27). Due to her impurity, she likely faced mistreatment and exclusion from society, making her an outcast- unable to participate in normal community life. Touching a rabbi like Jesus while in her unclean state was a bold and risky move, potentially leading to severe repercussions or rejection. In that era, men and women were not supposed to touch in public unless they were immediate family members. Her decision to seek and reach out to touch Jesus’ robe was an act of audacity and desperation, defying societal conventions.

As all of this rummaged through my mind, and thinking about everything that could have stopped this woman, including lack of faith after seeking help for so many years, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have gone to touch Jesus’ robe. Surprisingly, my initial concern wasn’t about cultural norms or the crowd; it was the bleeding. Sometimes I feel as if I have to be at my best before seeking Jesus or reaching out to touch Him. As if I have to look nice and neat, in perfect condition, to encounter the King of Kings.

How silly all of this was to me, that the thing that would stop me was my imperfections; yet God wants us to give Him all our wants, needs, and imperfections. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. He beckons us to come as we are, with all our vulnerabilities and issues, and loves us enough not to leave us unchanged. In the midst of our mess, we can boldly approach Him. It’s worth noting that Jesus didn’t just slightly acknowledge the woman as she sought Him, He didn’t allow her to stay as she was. When we encounter Jesus, we aren’t the same when we leave; we experience profound transformation. His touch brings rest, healing, hope, freedom, love, and countless other blessings that leave us forever changed.

There have been times in my life where I didn’t go to Jesus because I was angry or frustrated, sometimes with it directed at Him. There were moments of sin and issues that made me doubt my worthiness of being loved by a perfect God. Yet, when I finally went to Him, I encountered healing, rest, and change. Don’t let your mess hinder you from reaching for the hem of His garment; Jesus desires for you to come as you are.

Imagine yourself in the place of the woman with the issue of blood, grappling with a situation that makes you feel like a “mess” to others. It could be a long-standing struggle, a sense of inadequacy, or a haunting past mistake. You may question your worthiness of Jesus’ attention or fear judgment due to your imperfections. Hesitation might hold you back, wondering if something is keeping you from approaching Jesus.

But here’s the beautiful truth: Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is just as compassionate, loving, and approachable as He was in the story of the woman with the issue of blood. There is nothing that can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39). No matter what you’re going through, no matter how broken or flawed you might feel, Jesus longs to meet you where you are, just as you are. Jesus doesn’t require you to have it all together or be without flaws before coming to Him. On the contrary, He wants you to bring your struggles, your doubts, and your imperfections to Him.

The woman with the issue of blood received healing when she dared to reach out to Jesus in faith. Likewise, when you come to Jesus with your heart open and your trust placed in Him, you will find healing, comfort, and restoration. His grace is sufficient, and His love knows no bounds.

As you ponder the story of the woman with the issue of blood, remember that you are not alone in your struggles. Your situation might feel overwhelming but remember that God is greater than any challenge you face (1 John 4:4). Embrace the truth that nothing can separate you from God’s love, and He stands ready to embrace you with open arms.

So, let this challenge be an invitation to draw near to Jesus and seek Him with all your heart. Take a step of faith, trusting that He will meet you in your messiness and reveal His love and grace. Seek Jesus wholeheartedly, and you will discover the transformational power of His presence in your life. It’s time to lay your burdens down at His feet and find rest for your soul. Will you reach for Jesus’ garment today?

2 thoughts on “Reaching Out in Faith: Seeking God Despite Imperfections”

  1. Finally, She’s back to writing. Got notified as soon as Chrissy posted.

    Hello Chrissy, my name is Norma and I stumbled accross your website from pinterest. So glad I found it, don’t stop writing. It’s always interesting and mind grappling thoughts. So much appreciated. WRITE MORE!

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