Tag Archives: enough

Just give me jesus…?

As my friend and I discussed our worth today, I began to ponder something powerful. We were talking about future spouses and questions arose such as: 

What if they never show up?

What if I never find them?

What if I am made to be alone, like Paul?

Not that I think God has called my friend to a lifetime of singleness, but I asked him if God would be enough for him if that were the case. His response was that if he were to not have a future spouse, he would do it if that were God’s Will, but it’d be a very serious question of obedience… the test of all tests. 

After this conversation, I really got to thinking… Does my ‘God, You are enough for me,’ have a ‘but’ after it? If I omitted all the Sunday School church answers, removed any sugar coating, and answered that honestly, would it be enough? 

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