I’m Just Grateful

Looking back on the memories bygone can be a piercing thing, but is necessary. In the reminiscing, you can see everything God has done and all the ways He has moved. Speaking of moving, I did that recently. With the help of my remarkable family and friends, I hauled all of my belongings into my first apartment a month ago.

My prayer board had been sitting in storage for about two months, since I was living with a friend short-term. A few days after the move, it was leaning up against a wall in my living room. While organizing my newly cluttered bathroom, my sister started asking questions about it. I stopped what I was doing so I could explain what it was. After confirming that they were my prayers, she started reading them out and said, “Chrissy, all of these have happened.” I got to sit for a minute with my best friend and tell her about how good my God is and how He constantly shows up in my life, and is always on time.

After she left, I started reading over more of them, and one by one, I moved a numerous amount of them to my ‘answered’ section. I was extremely overwhelmed when I actually got to sit down and look at what God has really done, even just over the two months I didn’t have my prayer board. 

You see, a lot of times we can lose sight of how much God has actually blessed us. When we look at the things we’ve been praying for, if we actually pay attention, a lot of them are answered. We take it for granted. I’ve been through some storms in my life, and I’m not even out of my early twenties yet, and even then, I’ve never went without.   

There’s so much to be thankful for every single day, yet often times, we find ourselves thinking of the things we don’t have. Something I’ve learned is to find joy and appreciativeness even in the small things.

My prayers almost always start with me expressing, “God, I am so thankful.” It’s one of my favorite prayers to pray. I’m thankful for everything I have in my life, and I can’t help but shout it from the rooftops. It’s crazy that God chose someone like me, someone so broken, filthy, and useless. Not only did he love me, chose me, and want me, but He also blessed me in ways I could never adequately express my gratitude.

I deserve none of the things that I have. Yet here I am- having. If I just sit here, soaking in all that God has done in my life- even just in the past year, I can’t help but get overwhelmed.

This year, I’m thankful for hearing footsteps of people who walked out of my life who didn’t belong there. For the people who have filled the gaps in my life. For people who have my best interest in mind. For amazing friends and family who are always willing to set aside time to love me when I need it.

This year, I moved into my own home, which is something I never thought I’d actually do. I’ve watched my younger sister get engaged. I went to visit my amazing family in Wisconsin. I met this guy who is an alright person, and I kinda like him. I got to see my sister and her boy friend accept their first travel nursing job and move way too far from me. I get to see my mom happy. I’ve seen doors open for God to use me, and I’ve actually accepted them. I’ve focused more on music and writing.

Even though this year has sucked, like a pandemic, masks, and jobless, if you sit back and look at everything God has done within all of it, I think you’d get a little overwhelmed too.

Today, as we celebrate thanks, I want you to sit back and just give God thanks for all the good things you have, especially the things you take for granted.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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