Tag Archives: thank you

I’m Just Grateful

Looking back on the memories bygone can be a piercing thing, but is necessary. In the reminiscing, you can see everything God has done and all the ways He has moved. Speaking of moving, I did that recently. With the help of my remarkable family and friends, I hauled all of my belongings into my first apartment a month ago.

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A letter to the friends who never left me

To the friends who never left me

If I have sent this to you or tagged you in this, I have something to say to you.

I want you to know you are one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me. Coming from a person who has only watched people give up and abandon, I am thankful that I never had to see what it would look like as you walked out of my life. You have been constant. You have been persistent. You have been loyal. You constantly show me that people are capable of loving unconditionally. People like you are hard to find these days, even in people who call themselves Christians.

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